The system of YOGA gifts us a practice that can reveal the secrets of the Universe.
Yoga, Meditation, Workshop, Fitness, Retreat
Swim teacher, Personal Development Health Physical Education teacher, Primary school teacher, Graphic Designer, Mother & Photographer
Registered Senior Yoga teacher
YOGI for 30 years.
Teacher of YOGA for 20
Experienced in various styles...

I have been teaching YOGA for just over 20 years. My approach & teaching style have evolved over 30 years of consistent YOGA practice & study under the guidance of globally recognised YOGA teaching authorities. I am a deeply committed & experienced teacher, practitioner & eternal student of YOGA.
I define myself as a Yogi, not because I practice YOGA every day, but because I define existence as YOGA
prescribes & describes in its ancient texts. From a very young age, I was inquiring about the nature of human suffering & enlightenment. The answers I found that resonated most truth came through Yogic scriptures
relayed through ancient texts & practices.
What I believe about life, the universe, energy, consciousness & breath is that which YOGA defines. This is why I am a YOGI & therefore, why I have continued to integrate Yogic practices into my life. YOGA teaches us that when the jeevatmaa (human spirit) unites with paramatmaa (God), Moksha (liberation) is achieved. This I experienced through the practice of YOGA.
After having studied & practised YOGA for 10 years, I was asked to teach. At this stage, I had no specific
qualifications other than a Fitness Leader, First Aid & a Lifeguard. The clients were persistent as they were aware of my integrity & 10 years experience as a YOGI & 10 years as a teacher of other modalities. So I began.
After teaching for some time, I felt it essential I educate myself to the highest degree. My intention was to bridge the gap between the spiritual, metaphysical & scientific aspects of YOGA. I was practising & studying daily & had done so for 10 years at this stage, so the spiritual aspect was becoming very evident. In the
modern world, what I really needed was the best scientific knowledge of the body at an elite level.
I looked at many short courses that felt shallow, and what I found to offer the most complete understanding of the science of the body was a degree in HUMAN MOVEMENT. So off I went & completed 3 years fulltime study of the science of the body & training elite athletes.
At the point of completing my first degree, I had attained 7 years of study & practice of the Iyengar method &
6 years of daily Ashtanga Yoga. The Ashtanga practice & study was under the guidance of my teacher, Dena Kingsberg & became my primary daily practice.
To this day, in total,
I spent 9 years of full-time practice with her, and
6 years part-time (of which I still maintained a daily practice).
So, fifteen years of diligent Ashtanga practice
I continued to teach throughout this journey for 3-5 days per week, clocking well over 5000 teaching hours.
I have since completed other relevant studies such as a Diploma of Applied YOGA Anatomy & Physiology, an investigation into teaching YIN yoga, ongoing HATHA TANTRA studies, mental health first aid, approximately 300 hours of assessed teacher training, drug & alcohol modules & anaphylaxis training.
After having continued to teach for 17 years at the time, I then decided to extend my education &
expertise further. So I then completed a Master of Teaching, specialising in Personal Development, Health & Physical Education.
I have two other degrees, Bachelor of Arts & Education & Bachelor of Design. Both have contributed to my integrity as a TEACHER & YOGI. I also have been an avid Vipassana Meditator for 30 years, having completed 3 ten day sits
It has now been 30 years of yoga practice & study and approximately 20 years of teaching & I still feel like a child with much to learn.
It is an honour & and a privilege to share with you what has been my greatest medicine.